Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Panic Attack

So at least my panic attacks waited until the week we are getting ready to leave.  Lying in bed I realized in just one short week we will be in our apartment in Paris.  Then the lists of to-dos entered my brain.  I pushed them away so I could get some sleep before the Monday morning routine kicked in.  This week is busy with scouts and band and early release.  The boxes are ready for items to be added... just a few things each day so the last minute is not a panic.  Just a little shopping left for missing clothes and some medicine to take along.  The technology is the next HUGE issue... downloads and printing/saving.... powercords, chargers, batteries. Now back to the normal laundry and cooking and cleaning.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Two Weeks and Counting

It is hard to believe that in just two weeks we will be wandering the streets of Paris.  I feel so unorganized because not every day and detail is planned.  We have the airplane tickets and an apartment so the difficult pieces are done.  The children have new clothes.  Layers and waterproof shells to keep them warm and dry.  They are practicing their digital camera skills so they can create their own visual memories.  The issues that I am facing as an adult are so different than the questions the children are asking.  I worry about the scheduling of tours and our youngest worries about whether she will be able to recognize the correct bathroom.  Early next week I will check the temperatures again just to make sure we have what we need.