Monday, December 12, 2011

The Louvre

So we reach the Louvre, get inside using our museum pass and take off and store our jackets.  We all have our MP3 players and start our audio tour... too bad our 11 year old took us in the incorrect entrance so nothing was matching up.  We turned it off and just decided to enjoy whatever we discovered.  We walked through beautiful marble statues and up to the italian paintings... to say the canvasses are HUGE is an understatement.  We saw the coronation of Napoleon, the Mona Lisa, the Wedding Feast at Cana and many others.  My pictures will not do them justice so just google them. We wandered and found Winged victory and were set on seeing Venus de Milo - when we found her we discovered our wrong turn for our tour - we used the wrong entrance to the Denton. 

On our way down we saw a sign for egyptian antiquities we decided after lunch that is where we would head.  Off we went to Angelina's for our hot chocolate... to say that they just melted a chocolate bar and poured it into a cup was probably a better description.  We decided to just have a "snack" so we would have room for desert.  Quiches, soup, sandwich and smoked salmon along with our hot chocolate were lunch - there was no room for desert - we should have planned just desert and hot chocolate. 

We wandered back to the Louvre and found a temporary exhibit of clothing from China - it was amazing.  We then found the moat along with many of the items recovered from an excavation in the front of the Louvre from the 1980s... the children were amazed to see all of the items recovered. From these we found the spinx

and various gods, and burial items...

it was funny because at the smithsonian I remember seeing one or two of an item but here there are 20 of something.  All the pottery that they had from Greece and Egypt were beyond.  We saw yards of papyrus writings and walls of cravings.

It made we want to see just how amazing Egypt is!!! We saw classical and preclassical Greece ... the terracotta and ceramics. 

Somehow we wandered into the African arts and saw an Easter Island head - very cool and now the children want to go see the entire body too. 

Our feet were exhausted so we headed home stopping to find another chocolatier on our way...  The chocolates here are dark so the children are struggling to enjoy them.

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